Week 1

Move Your Way
The Magic Pill?
Get Ready to Walk
Hamstring Stretch
Let's Talk Trash
Recipe: Cowboy Caviar

Week 2

More Health Benefits from Exercise
Improve Flexibility - Zipper Stretch
Walk Kansas 5K
Why You Should Eat Eggs
Recipe: Savory Baked Eggs

Week 3

Your Feet Were Made for Walking
Stretch Your Hip Flexors
Foods that Protect Your Health
Recipe: Blueberry Blast Smoothie

Week 4

Hop for Bone Health
5K Your Way
Seafood is Fast Food
Recipe: Fish Tacos with Summer Salsa

Week 5

Squats for Strength
April is Food Waste Awareness Month
Going Bananas
Recipe: Baked Banana Boats

Week 6

Move More, Sit Less
Dealing with DOMS
Enjoy Planned-Over Meals
Recipe: Thursday Night Soup

Week 7

Physical Activity for Weight Management
Building Core Strength
Are You Getting Enough Protein?
Recipe: Teriyaki Burger Bowl

Week 8

The F.I.T.T. Principle
Strengthen and Stretch Your Upper Body
Health Quest Survey
Make Salad a Meal
Recipe: Spinach Strawberry Salad with Chicken

Week 9

Keep Moving Your Way
How Long Does it Take to Lose Fitness?
Keep Your Cool
Refresh with a Beverage
Recipe: Summer Sangria