Week 1 Espanõl
Life Better, Life Longer Eating the Med Way Walk Kansas Week 1 What is a Blue Zone? Recipe: Mediterranean Chili
Week 2 Espanõl
Move Naturally, Move More Posture Powers Give Your Pantry a Med Makeover Recipe: Hummus
Week 3 Espanõl
Eat More Plants Add Intervals to Boost Fitness Gardening for Exercise Plant an Herb Garden Recipe: Chicken Caprese Salad
Week 4 Espanõl
Find Your Right Tribe Build Muscle with Squats Pulses - Cornerstone of Blue Zone Eating Recipe: Baked Chickpeas
Week 5 Espanõl
Downshift to Manage Stress Posture Exercise and Pec Stretch Swap Your Fats Recipes: Greek Salad
Week 6 Espanõl
Eating Mindfully - The 80% Rule Wine at 5? What Does Research Say? More Moves for Strength Tame your Sweet Tooth Recipe: Med Meringues
Week 7 Espanõl
Sense of Purpose - Know your Why Strengthen Your Core Change Your Protein Recipe: Mediterranean Style Baked Salmon
Week 8 Espanõl
The Power 9® Stretch and Strengthen Hip Flexors Goodness of Whole Grains Recipe: Banana Oatmeal Pancakes
Week 9 Espanõl
Walk Kansas 2020 in Review Cheers? Stay Hydrated Grilling Season is Here! Recipe: Garlic Grilled Broccoli